
Save the Internet!

One Million Americans Urge Senate to Save the Internet

WASHINGTON (June 14) -- The SavetheInternet.com Coalition today
delivered more than 1 million petitions and letters from average Americans to
Capitol Hill, urging Congress to protect Net Neutrality and stand firm against
efforts by phone and cable companies to control the Internet.
At a press
conference on Capitol Hill, Senators Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Byron Dorgan
(D-N.D.) called upon their colleagues to heed the public outcry and support the
"Internet Freedom and Preservation Act" (S. 2917), a bipartisan bill that would
bar companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast from blocking, degrading or
interfering with content or services on the Internet.
"The idea that brings
us together is a free and unfettered Internet," said Senator Snowe. "It's vital
we preserve, not undermine, the extraordinarily democratic technological network
- over which content providers from the largest corporations in the biggest
cities in the world to single individuals in rural towns have equal opportunity
to reach millions of Internet users."

"It's essential that we preserve
Internet freedom," said Senator Dorgan. "The open architecture which now exists,
and which allows everyone fair access to any site on the Internet, without
gatekeepers, must be preserved. That is what our bill would do - preserve
Internet freedom, which is at the very core of what makes the Internet so
important, and something that enriches the lives of millions of Americans."
The million petition signatures and letters were collected via the
SavetheInternet.com Coalition Web site and by members of the coalition,
including Free Press, MoveOn.org Civic Action, Common Cause, Consumers Union,
True Majority and Working Assets.

"Net Neutrality has allowed the Internet
to become the new public square, where everyday people can participate in our
democracy and have their voices heard," said Joan Blades, the co-founder of
MoveOn.org. "We cannot let the Internet gatekeepers decide who gets into the
public square -- everyone from MoveOn to the Christian Coalition should get in,
so the best ideas can thrive based on their merit. The SavetheInternet.com
Coalition will intensify our grassroots pressure on the Senate to assure that
Internet freedom is preserved and Net Neutrality remains the law of the land."

Read the rest and learn more at www.SavetheInternet.com

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