
Dude! You Can Un-Crappify your Dell!

Mmmm. Lifehacker. Me like Lifehacker.

Ever buy a new Dell system (like me) and wonder why it still acts as slow as your old machine? Well, wonder no more technologically advanced citizen! Dell systems, in case you haven't figured it out yet, come with a boatload of junky and needless software to increase the bulges in the pockets of internet service providers that shall remain nameless...

Want to drop the axe on this phoolishly phishy programs in one fell swoop? So did this guy. Check it out and be amazed.

I was helping a friend set up his brand new Inspiron 1300 and it took
FOREVER for it to boot up. It’s a very dissatifiying experience to pull a brand
new computer out of the box and be spammed with a bunch of trial software. After
removing all of the crap, (which took a significant amount of time) it booted
much faster and performed like it should. I kept thinking it would be nice to
have an automated way to remove all this stuff. Thus was born the Dell
De-Crapifier script.


Andre said...

I do believe, that somewhere in the vast expanse of space and time, there is an individual who embodies both these characteristics. I live to inform you.

Andre said...

You smell like pee then.